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Editorial Policy

Received manuscripts for review will be treated as confidential and all the manuscripts will undergo to the strict peer-review process by minimum two peer reviewers of the same field assigned by Editor-in-Chief of the journal.

Upon receipt of a submitted manuscript, the Journal editor (or editors) of the Publication House determines whether to reject the submission outright or begin the process of peer review based on the suitability towards publication.

The author/s will be responsible for the work done in the paper. If there any inaccuracy in the paper, it is the responsibility of the author to inform about the mistake to the editor of the specific journal of the Publication House.

Peer reviewers help, the editor in making decisions towards publication of manuscript and also help in improving the quality of the paper and maintain the standard of the Publication House.

Role/Duties/Responsibilities of Editors including Editor-in -Chief

  • The editorial board member including Editor-in-Chief will not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, other editorial advisers and the publisher, as appropriate.
  • The editorial board member including reviewers will evaluate manuscripts for their scientific application, intellectual content and social benefit to society without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship of author.
  • The material of the manuscript should not be used by any other editor or any other members of the editors for their own work and should keep it authentic.
  • Publication decision: Editor-in-Chief of specific journal in the Publication House decides which of the submitted manuscript should be reviewed or published. Editors are responsible for the selection of the manuscript for publication.

Role of reviewers

  • Objectivity: Reviewer should follow the review process, step by step set up by the editors of the specific journal in the Publication House. Reviewers should be explanatory about the recommendation which gives rational support and justification.
  • Fast Track Review: Reviewers should requested to complete the review process within the particular time span provided to them. Reviewers could also decline to review at their discretion but should inform the editor promptly about the refused by the mail.
  • Qualification: If the reviewer sees themselves under qualified according to the manuscript received can refuse to the review process.
  • Disclosure: Information or idea should not be used by reviewer obtains during reviewing process and should be kept confidential.
  • Conflict of interest: Reviewers are free to refuse to review of manuscript in which they have conflict of interest regarding competitive, collaborative or other relationship with any of the authors, companies or institutions connected to manuscript.
  • Substantial similarity: Reviewers should inform editors about similarities or overlap between received manuscripts or any other manuscripts reviewers are aware of.
  • Proper and accurate citation: Reviewers should identify the toxic and research content regarding scientific application and relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors.
  • Contribution to the editorial decision: Reviewers can give their valuable suggestion to the authors to improve their submitted manuscript and assist editors in making editorial publication decision.

Role of authors

  • Originality: Submitted manuscript should be original and authors must ensure that this submission is neither currently under consideration for publication.
  • Plagiarism: There are many types of plagiarism such as claiming the authorship of work by others, copying major parts of others research and using results of research conducted by other researchers. Any type of plagiarism is not acceptable and considered as unethical publishing behavior. Such manuscript will be rejected and if complaint happens with published manuscript author will be the sole responsible of that particular manuscript and liable to provide the compensation.
  • Authorship: Authorship should be limited to the authors who have made significant contribution and names of authors should be ranked by efforts. The corresponding author must ensure that all the listed co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and agreed to the policies of publication in the Publication House. Main author to be indicated with the *mark who will be corresponding author.
  • Multiple or concurrent publication: Authors should not publish the same research in more than one journal. If the author submit the same manuscript to more than one journal it will be considered as unethical and is unacceptable. This will result to rejection of manuscript even after publication.
  • Acknowledgement of work of other: Work of others should be acknowledged by authors. Site publication that have significant contribution to their submitted manuscript should be done by authors. Unacknowledged work of others contributing to manuscript is unethical.
  • Accuracy: Fraudulent and inaccurate result constitute unethical and unacceptable. Reports and results, discussions, analysis should be accurate.
  • Copyright of accepted manuscript: Authors agree to the copyright of accepted manuscript for publication will be transfer to every journal of the publication house and copyright form should be duly signed by all the author.
  • Substantial errors in published manuscript:  If there is any substantial error found in the published manuscript, it is duty of the author to inform promptly to the specific journal editor of the Publication House and cooperate with them to correct their manuscript through mail only.


  • Any unlawful and unethical thing which is left to highlight beside from all the roles, responsibility and duties of the author, editors and reviewers mentioned above will be consider for discussion and its solution with concern.
  • Editors and reviewers and authors will have to strictly follow the above ethics and malpractice statements and editorial policy with terms and conditions.
  • The managing editors and editorials board member are not responsible for author expressed opinions, views.